onocoy launches project to build the densest GNSS reference station network based on Web 3.0

  • Community powered service delivering ultra-precise and cost-effective GNSS correction data for everyone

  • Web 3.0 and distributed ledger technology enable decentralized infrastructure and stakeholder participation in the projects’ governance    

  • Project aims to reach 20x more reference stations compared to other solutions in the market

onocoy launched today its project to provide the densest network of community-powered GNSS reference stations. Based on Web 3.0 and an innovative incentive program, onocoy’s project strives to ensure outstanding positioning data quality suitable for mass market applications such as drones, micro-mobility, robotic lawnmowers, or autonomous vehicles.

In the past, ultra-precise GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) navigation, known as Real-Time Kinematics (RTK), was only available to high-end markets, because of prohibitive costs. RTK is a technique for eliminating errors that prevent GNSS receivers from achieving highly precise positioning. By applying correction services, positioning accuracies can go down to centimeter-levels. Due to recent increasing demand for higher accuracies and advances in receiver technology along with the availability of new GNSS signals, RTK receiver prices have dropped by more than a magnitude. Yet, high correction service costs and insufficient business models for the mass markets, have limited the large-scale application of RTK.

onocoy's project aims to provide scalable correction services by leveraging Web 3.0 methods and distributed ledger technology. Such technology will facilitate a decentralized approach to the number of GNSS reference stations, 20 times the density compared to other solutions in the market. The ultra-dense distribution of GNSS reference stations will be established in the shortest time frame, allowing easy and global access to instant centimeter-level positioning.

"Utilizing Web 3.0 methods with distributed ledgers and smart contracts, onocoy is poised to create the world's densest distribution of GNSS reference stations that will enable RTK positioning anywhere.", says Daniel Ammann, initiator of the onocoy project. "By applying an open governance system, the interests of all stakeholders are taken into account in a transparent manner, ensuring that the project effectively addresses the needs of the stakeholders. "

The project will enable users to have the highest quality in GNSS data thanks to rigorous data validation and an innovative incentive scheme for miners, where high quality data is rewarded. Additionally, to this, service costs are kept at a minimum thanks to cutting-edge technology implementation and the wide user base. As a result, users have complete freedom to shape their solution to fit their market’s needs in the most efficient way.

About onocoy

onocoy’s mission is to deliver an affordable correction service to achieve ultra-precise GNSS data for mass market applications. By leveraging web3 methods, onocoy strives to build the densest GNSS reference station network in the world. The ecosystem and value chain is fully automated, no human interaction is required, making this the leanest approach available in the market. Anyone can become a stakeholder in onocoy by either contributing or purchasing tokens. By involving stakeholders in its governance, onocoy ensures that the needs of the market and its users are met.


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